Professional websites are always (and with good reason) directed to toward business, sales, Commercial. But many times we ask ourselves, who is behind the company? Mural painting and then what?
We have therefore decided to insert a page which we will use to introduce us privately. What we like. On the net and in real life! This page here shows a bit of us. Then you can use this perceptive to consider it you want to work with us.

(30.03.2009) Because of the new diary I will no longer post here. I will have to spend some time thinking.
(18.2.2009) A while has passed since my last update on this page. And so much gas happend! But, even worse so much has not happend! I have not not taken pictures of the new objects in order to show them to you. I have created a new page, but have not but them online. I have received complaints about the employee pictures (not nice enough, not up do date) and have not not fixed them.
(5.1.2009) I have found a new favorite informational website about neu and strange things online. Pages are introduces, that one would never find by himself! >>>
My favorite book right now? The last book I read was "The Hunting Gun" by Jasushi Inoue. A very nice book! For those who travel by train or plane: T.C. Boyle, Zähne und Klauen. And you should consider reading books by Walter Moers. No, it's not for children. But for the crazy.
My breakfast café on Sylt? Its the Café Wien, Strandstr. 13, Westerland. I always take "Breakfast Wien special Woost", its vegetarian and drives the waitress to distress. So please order something else! >>>
The thing with music is kind of strange: I always wanted to paint like Blind Willy Johnson. Yes, I know he's a musician. But it still applies. Even though I can't really understand myself. But there are many things I don't understand and still live comfortably with this incomprehendable gap. So here: Blind Willy Johnson: >>>
Maybe you would like to ask me who the best painter in the world it?What kind of question is this! My wife of course! But I will also add some pictures by ma second favorite painter in the comming weeks. Will you please visit me again?
I will like to say something about my
movie preferences
I like watching movies.
Now for someone who likes his posting his preferences on a website on the Internet, especially as a refined artists and muralist, it is of course tempting to recite movies off of Canons Best movies of all time . And while "the world has moved on" (The gunman in "The Tower") and Sergei Eisenstein's "Battleship Potemkin" or "Casablanca" are indeed wonderful pieces, time has become much faster. And I have adapted.
I like "Snatch" or "Amelie" or the wonderful movie "Fight Club", which I almost d idn’t see because of the title. Today we understand even movies like "Blade Runner" and "Magnolia" (and is only ten years old!) better . As much as I admire "2001" it’s just like a relic from another time.
The trend goes even further now. The attention span people have, as well as mine probably is getting shorter. Today,
TV series
are produced, which must be accepted as true works of art. Whether we like it or not. Have you seen "Dead Like Me" or the chaotic series "My name is Erl"? "Pushin Daisies"? Or (for Western fans) "Deadwood"? I did not like "24", but the quality was often very high as I (reluctantly) admit.
Thus, it is still not over. In the Youtube format, the film length has shrunk to 2-5 minutes. OK. One wonders then, when the attention span will go to zero making it impossible to enjoy art. But, on the other hand, in these ultra-short films (film snippets from my point of view) all the nonsense is removed and a great artistic experience can be achieved! Great art has nothing to do with "large format".
Only the atmosphere in the cinema is something I miss. Therefore I need movies. But as long will there still be cinemas? Or perhaps the rampant "public viewing" at major sporting events are a harbinger of new community experiences from the screen? Do you remember the films for which we have applauded in the cinema?
My "all time favored" is by the way Time Bandits (1982), a movie that I watch every three years, from which the great desert scene in "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" and large parts of the stage from Munchausen (the remake of 1988) are stolen. A very fine film, though hardly noticed by the public and shown only in arthouse cinemas.
I will do without a real film list, since think that would bore you.In addition to painting and culture, I have a weakness for maritime matters . Maybe I will tell you some about it. But maybe I will wait for a little resonance.