Our Restoration work:
We are often asked whether we do restoration. Our answer then is always a slight stammer. Why do we stammer? Because the answer is both yes and no.
When we first went to the island of Sylt many years ago on the island of Sylt, we were painters. Yes, we also had some furniture painting (barrel paintings), but we were already pros at wall painting. pros. The painting wallpaper was also a part of our portfolio.
But on the island, we met an antiques dealer (Mylin>>>), a man who now had new demands of us. The colore restoration of furniture. Happy and innocent, we wanted to take on the job as we were used to in Hamburg. When we presented our work (in the good spirits we had at that time) to him, he rocked his head side to side and said: "I can sell it. But let’s practice a little!". We had to learn what color accuracy means in the area of restoration. Today we look back and laugh when we think about the barrel painting we delivered at that time. Also, today we have a stable friendship with the then critic!
The restoration is divided into several areas that must be considered separately:
You may have six old chairs with the original frame from the 18 Century - so a real and expensive antiques . You need 10 pieces, therefore ordering four others, of the same type from a carpenter (for a lot of money). Then we will reframe these new chairs. And no one will know the difference.
Or you have a mural , an old wall decoration or similar. Unfortunately, the electrician had to cut through the middle. Now this means reworking the piece. We will do it for you. And no one will notice the restoration.
But we leave cleaning and restoration of oil paintings to our colleagues . This is a specialty area where other feel safer working and therefore a more favorable. Although we have already done some, we do not want to progress in the direction any further.
We do however do ceramic restoration . Especially the creation of glaze or redevelopment of glaze in our small (and nice) ceramic laboratory. You will be amazed at what's possible!
We say No to all woodwork. Restorations are performed by us only on the color plane. Fixing only minor tapering, holes and cracks are a part of our work.
We would also gladly restore new surfaces for you. There are millions of reasons why an area or craft work falls to destruction. And only a handful of why something is preserved and remains alive.
Wallpaper restoration is unique, a pet project of ours. Rework and conservation are options.
Distemper, modern color systems, casein, tempera, graphical techniques, oil paints, ceramic restorations are all also our specialty. On wood surfaces, wall paper and textile substrates.We will help you..